Apple sage

It is very characteristic aromatic and bee keeping plant of Kythera. Its leaves which are collected on September and then dried out, are used to prepare maybe the most popular drink of Kythera. It has many pharmaceutical properties.

Scientific Name:
Salvia pomifera

Lamiaceae (or Labiatae)

Kythera Name:

Faskomilia, Faskomilea

Name in other places of Greece:

Alifaskia, Faskomilo, Faskos, Sfakies


We are selecting the flowers and the leaves of the plant. So that the herb keeps more of its scent, it should be collected in June and dried in shadow.


Apple sage is tonic, nerves stimulant and sedative. It helps a lot in neurotic conditions, in cases of depression and dysmenorrhea. Gargles with apple sages is indicated in cases of pharyngitis and hoarseness. Apple sage is also anticonvulsant and hypertensive while it is suggested as a very good medicine against indigestion.


2 – 3 leaves of apple sage along with some honey in pork or lamb sauce offer a delicious exotic taste to your palate. Seek such recipes mostly in Crete.

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