It is a plant aromatic – pharmaceutical and apart from its use as a drink it is also…
It is a sleek, biannual plant, with thick bud and deep green leaves. It is usually…
It is a hygrophilous plant, and this is the reason it always grows on rocks close to…
Thyme and savory are two different plants. While their differences are hard to spot,…
Strawberry trees exist in interspersed places of the island. A great number of them…
From July to October, it is found almost at all the Kythera beaches. Its leaves are…
It belongs to the Valerian family. It is an ornamental plant and this is why it is…
It is one of the plants that was dedicated to Aphrodite during antiquity. It is a…
Pine does not belong to the old flora plants of Kythera, even though Gerard de Nerval…
Systematic olive cultivation started in Kythera during the English domination. Until…
Nettle is a valuable plant. It enhances the soil where it grows. It contains enzymes,…
Medick is generally the common trefoil. It is supposed to have been imported to Greece…
It is called March flower because it blossoms on March. It is found everywhere in…
It is one of the most common spring flowers which is spread all over Kythera. Its…
It is a plant known since ancient times for its pharmaceutical substances. It was used…
A very common plant in Greece and Kythera. Plinios called it “food of the poor”. It is…
Apart from its pharmaceutical properties and usages in cooking, rosemary is said to…
I may be the ancestor of cultivated carrot. In Kythera it is particularly dispersed.…
Dioskourides mentioned that during ancient times it was called Tordylium. It was…
Usually it is found cultivated as ornamental plant (since very long ago). It has…
It is considered to be a weed even though this turfy plant has many pharmaceutical…
Fig tree is one of the most common trees of the country as it is developing fast and…
It is indigenous Australian tree. It was planted on the island at individual houses,…
Even though it is found as uncultivated, in many cases it appears as ornamental plant…
Homer mentions croci for its usage as a condiment and as a coloring plant. They prefer…
It grows along roads in wild and stony fields. It is one of the most common herbs we…
Chamomile was named after its scent (land apple) and the first one to mention its…
Its bud and leaves are turned to pickles and they have been used as seasoning since…
It is an one-year plant rich in potassium and nitrites which give to it numerous…
It is a bush that under certain conditions may become a tree and in some cases it may…
This plant is tinctorial. Yellow pigment that exists in its flowers is water-soluble,…
It is an fine snack for many people despite its difficulty in peeling. In Kythera,…
One of the 25 indigenous medick species of Greece. It is a typical ammophilous species…
It is very characteristic aromatic and bee keeping plant of Kythera. Its leaves which…
Its scent is very intense. It was known to ancient people. Athinaios mentions that it…
It is very well acclimatized in Kythera and in many cases it grows alone. Even though…
This wild artichoke with its characteristic white flower and its thorny leaves widely…